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School Term Dates

Our Schools

In our trust we are one family of schools across Rutland and Lincolnshire and work closely together.  We are proud that each of our schools retain their own unique identity and character and serve their local communities.

Brooke Hill Academy 

Located in the historic market town of Oakham, Brooke Hill is our largest school with 350 pupils aged 3-11 on role. Brooke Hill has a long standing reputation for learning and has a wealth of facilities for the children.  There is a strong balance between strong educational standards and a wide opportunity of enrichment activities so that children grow through the school with amazing experiences inside and out of the classroom.  Next to the school is a large, wooded area owned by the Woodland Trust which our children use regularly as part of our Forest School offer.

The school offers a before and after school provision as well as a popular pre-school which takes children from 3 years old and is a valued part of the school.

Edith Weston Academy 

Serving the families in village of Edith Weston and the surrounding villages, EWA sits next to the beautiful shores of Rutland Water.  The school has extensive grounds and woodland area which are enjoyed by the children throughout the year.  We also have an indoor swimming pool that is used by all of our schools and is also available for family swimming lessons too.

We are proud to be a school of choice for many military families and have close links with the local military bases. 

Our Little Ospreys Nursery provides an excellent pre-school education for children between 2 and 4.  The school also offers a before and after school provision for all children to support working families.

South Witham Academy 

South Witham Academy nestles just over the border in Lincolnshire.  Originally a Victorian school SWA has been extended over the years with a large hall and classroom spaces for the children. It also enjoys amazing outside grounds including a large sports field and playground.  Staff pride themselves in knowing every child as an individual there has been a focus on rapid improvement at SWA and it is delivering strong educational standards for all children.

The nursery is open to children from 2 years old and is located within the school building providing excellent links for transition into Reception.  A new breakfast and afterschool club provides a range of activities for the children.

Local Governing Boards

Each Academy in the Trust has a Local Governing Board with responsibility for supporting the management and staff in implementing the overall aims of the Trust. Membership of the local governing bodies is to be made up Head of School, Parents, Staff and Trustees and comprises of between 7 and 9 governors.


Visit Website

Head of School
Mrs Anna O'Shaughnessy

Parent Governor
Mrs Catherine Thomas (18.1.2026)

Parent Governor
(Vice Chair)

Mrs Eleanor Claridge (15.6.2025)

Parent Governor


Parent Governor

Support Staff Governor

Teacher Governor
Mrs Vicky Redshaw (1.9.2026)

Appointed Governor
Mrs Monique Louis (28.06.2025)

Appointed Governor
Mrs Gill Scott (15.10.2025)

Resignations from 1st January 2022

Mr Alex Powers (Resigned 25.9.2023)

Martina Burcombe (Resigned 31.8.2023)

Miss Amy Pick
Mrs Heather Holgate
Mr James Tucker
Mrs Paula Reeves



Visit Website

Head of School
Mrs Penny Rawlings

(Chair) (19.01.2025)
Mr Richard Haynes

Appointed Governor
Mrs Helen Shepherd (26.09.2025)

Appointed Governor
Mr Toby Thomas (25.09.2026)

Parent Governor
Mr James Ekberg (28.3.2026)

Parent Governor
Mr Colin Westerman (8.3.2025)

Support Staff Governor
Mrs Catherine Marshall (21.08.2026)

Staff Governor

Resignations from 1st January 2022

Mrs Cathie Smith (Resigned 25.9.2023)

Mr Andy Cannadine (30.4.2022)
Captain Kevin Manson - 31.7.2022
Mr Peter Hawker - 27.3.2023


Visit Website

Head of School
Mr Andrew Atter

Chair (from 1/9/2023)
Mr Tim Smith (01.11.2024)

Parent Governor

Parent Governor

Parent Governor

Staff Governor (Teaching Staff)  
Mrs Karen Hosmer (31.08.2022)

Staff Governor (Support Staff)

Trust Appointed Community Governor
Miss Ailsa Jackson (1.9.2027)

Trust Appointed
Mr John Murphy (17.10.2023)

Appointed Governor
Mr Shaun Mason (21.04.2024)

Resignations from 1st September 2022

Mrs Sarah Bunker (Resigned 31.8.2023)

Mr. Andy Canadine ( 30.04.2022)
Mrs Kelly Oldfield (3.5.2023)


Local Governor Profiles


Trust Board

Brooke Hill Academy Trust Governance Structure

Brooke Hill Academy Trust Governance Structure

If you are interested in becoming a Governor at Brooke Hill Academy Trust, please contact Mr Simon Foulkes, Chair of Trustees, via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Brooke Hill Academy Trust is a Multi Academy Trust with responsibility for three primary academies, Brooke Hill Academy and Edith Weston Academy in Rutland and South Witham Academy in Lincolnshire. The overall aim of the Multi Academy Trust is to ensure all children receive a good quality education through:

  • Provision of a safe and secure learning environment

  • Maintaining standards by challenging and monitoring the performance of the Academies

  • Managing the Academy Trust's finances and property in line with the Funding agreement set out by the Secretary of State for Education

  • Maintain a full complement of teaching and support staff

  • Ensure that the Academies and the Academy Trust comply with both charity and company law.

The panels below detail our members, trustees and other key personnel.

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is appointed by the Trust Members and is responsible for setting the strategic direction of the Trust and is directly accountable for the standards and financial management of the Trust and the individual Academies

Trustees of Brooke Hill Academy Trust

Mr Simon Foulkes - Chair of the Trust

Mr Craig Charteris - CEO

Mrs Sarah Bunker - Trustee (resigned 31/7/23)

Mr Tim Smith - Trustee 

Mr Richard Haynes - Trustee 

Mr Richard Gray - Trustee

Mrs Gill Scott - Trustee

Mrs Kath Rowland & Rev. Iain Osbourne both resigned as Trustees from 31.08.2019

Mrs Beth Chesterfield resigned as Trustee from 31.8.2021

Mr Peter Hawker resigned 27.03.2023


Clerk to the Trust

Mrs Nicola Tyers


Trustee & Clerk Profiles

Members of the Trust :

The members of the Board are Members and Trustees of the Trust with ultimate responsibility for performance of the academies in particular:

Mr Simon Foulkes - Member (Appt 05.07.2011)

Mrs Fran Parish - Member (Appt:  29.11.2018)

Mr Keith Ambrose - Member (Appt 01.11.2020)

Mr Adam Young - Member (Appt 19.4.2023)

Mr Adam Petit - Member (Appt 19.4.2023)

Dr Sinclair Rogers resigned as  a Member 29.9.2020 -  (Appt 05.07.2011)

Captain Kevin Manson resigned as a Member 31.7.2022 - (Appt 14.03.2018)

Member Profiles


Data Protection Officer (DPO)

Mr John Walker
JA Walker
Office 7
The Courtyard
Gaulby Lane
LE2 2FL 

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Tel: 03337729763


School Term Dates



Welcome from our CEO

Thank you for visiting and your interest in our schools, I am very pleased to welcome you to the Brooke Hill Academy Trust website.

We are a multi-academy trust comprised of three primary schools in Rutland and Lincolnshire.  One of our driving values of our MAT is that our schools are treated as individuals, have their own character and serve their own unique communities. We share a common bond with an ambition for every child to succeed and work closely together across the schools. 

The Trust was established in 2016 and comprises of Brooke Hill Academy, Edith Weston Academy and South Witham Academy.

We strive to ensure that all our children can reach their potential through an enriched curriculum full of exciting learning opportunities both inside and out of the classroom.  Our academic standards are high, and we want to instil a lifelong love of learning in all our children. We provide opportunities for our children to broaden their horizons ranging from sports and arts to STEM, residentials, visitors and trips which help them to experience the world, develop new skills and build their confidence.  They also have many opportunities to work, learn and have fun with other children from the other schools.

As the CEO of the Trust I have the pleasure of working across all of our schools with our Heads of Schools and talented team of teachers and support staff.  We all work together to create a school that harnesses every child’s ability.

If you would like to visit our Trust please get in contact and I will look forward to welcoming you to the Brooke Hill Academy Trust soon.

Craig Charteris
CEO Brooke Hill Academy Trust